The Ins and Outs of Root Canal Pain

June 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drsong @ 2:45 pm
Woman receiving dental treatment and seems totally calm

Root canals are often misunderstood and, oddly, frequently picked on by Hollywood scriptwriters. A scene from the old horror-comedy flick Little Shop of Horrors comes to mind. But your dentist isn’t a sadist, and root canals are surprisingly comfortable for the majority of patients. For the full details on what sort of discomfort you can expect from your root canal treatment, keep reading. We’ll give it to you straight.

Are Root Canals Painful? Survey Says: No

Thanks to modern techniques, equipment, and numbing medication, you aren’t likely to feel much (if any) of your root canal treatment. First and foremost, your dentist will numb the site of your root canal with a local anesthetic. And it’s very effective – most patients report little to no discomfort.

In fact, most patients report that their root canal treatment was no more uncomfortable than getting a large filling! You might feel some slight pressure, but overall you shouldn’t feel pain.

Why Your Root Canal Recovery Might Hurt a Teensy Bit

When we say “a teensy bit,” we really mean it! This type of discomfort is more like the sensitivity you might experience after any other dental treatment. Since your dentist essentially cleans out the inside of your tooth during a root canal, your tooth and gums are simply sore from the experience. 

Over-the-counter pain relievers are usually able to soothe root canal recovery discomfort. Saltwater rinses and ice packs can also help you quickly and easily alleviate any negative sensations. You’ll be sore for about three days, but after that you should be right as rain.

When to Call Your Doctor for Root Canal Pain

If you do experience severe root canal pain, or if discomfort continues after three days, contact your emergency dentist. You could have a complication, such as:

  • A new infection around the tooth
  • Damaged filling, crown, or tooth
  • An extra canal, or infected tissue that was missed
  • Harmful material stuck in canal

It can’t be emphasized enough: severe root canal distress is not normal! You’ll want to treat any complications as soon as possible.

What you should take away from all this (besides checking in with your emergency dentist if you have dental pain) is that your dentist wants you to be as comfortable as possible. This is why many dentists offer sedation dentistry solutions for patients that are anxious about discomfort.

If you’re still nervous about your upcoming root canal appointment, consult your dentist. A root canal treatment is essential for your oral health. Avoiding it could result in serious infections or even sepsis. Your dentist will make sure you feel as comfortable as possible so that your oral health doesn’t fall by the wayside.

About the Practice

Our team at Sunrise Dental Center stays up to date with the latest dental technology. That means you can count on a smooth root canal treatment and reliable sedation dentistry when needed. We also pursue continuing education in our field, so we can relate to the learning process. If you have questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to give us a call at 713-869-9973. We’ll be happy to consult with you!