Rubber Bands: Office Supplies or Orthodontic Necessity?

July 15, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drsong @ 9:08 pm
Woman holding lips back to show blue-banded braces

You thought that rubber bands were just for miscellaneous office tasks, but your dentist put quite a few on your braces. Besides adding a bit of color to your otherwise metallic orthodontics, what are they good for?

Believe it or not, those elastics are helping to correct your oral alignment! So before you start pulling them off to aim at your friends, read these facts and tips about your stretchy straighteners.


Which Should You Keep in Your Purse – Breath Mints or Chewing Gum?

July 8, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drsong @ 3:16 pm
Little girl rocking a pair of shades and blowing a fantastic bubblegum bubble

When you need to freshen up your breath, what do you reach for? Breath mints, or chewing gum? The choice might not seem to make a huge difference, so you probably opt for a preferred texture or brand. But did you know sugar-free gum actually has some characteristics that make it much better for your teeth?

It’s true – keep reading to see for yourself. You might just switch out what you keep in your purse!
