Sunrise Dental Center Blog

Is Nail Biting Bad for My Oral Health?

March 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drsong @ 10:09 pm
Woman has dental pain

Your smile can be damaged by many bad habits, but did you know that nail-biting is one of them? Many people chew on their nails to relieve anxiety or out of simple boredom, and while this can lead to unpleasant consequences such as ragged nails, nagging hangnails, and infected nailbeds, it can also cause serious dental injuries. Here’s why nail biting is a horrible habit for your oral health along with a few tips for quitting.


Better than a Mood Ring: What Your Smile Says About You

February 7, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drsong @ 2:07 am
Picture of a young person smiling

If you’ve ever watched a police procedural or heard a true crime podcast, you’re probably aware of the fact that people can be identified via their fingerprints or their DNA. This is because they’re different for everyone.

However, you might not know that the same can be said of your teeth. Everyone’s smile is slightly different, and moreover, can say a lot about you. In fact, a dentist can tell a lot about who a person is via their teeth. Here are just a few examples.


What Sports You Should Wear Mouthguards For

January 10, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drsong @ 11:28 pm
child wearing mouthguard

Youth sports have surged in popularity across America, with an estimated 20-25 million youngsters engaging in competitive activities. However, this heightened participation also brings an increased risk of injury. Shockingly, over 35% of unintentional injuries among children and adolescents stem from sports competitions or practice sessions. Of these injuries, 10-20% affect the maxillofacial region, as reported by the American Dental Association (ADA). Understanding the importance of sports mouthguards, or sportsguards, is crucial in preventing injuries during various sports activities, so keep reading to learn more.


Gray Matters: Finding Causes and Cures for Gray Teeth

December 15, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drsong @ 8:17 pm
A grayscale picture of a woman smiling after treating her gray teeth

Have you noticed one tooth looking grayer than the others lately? Or, perhaps all your teeth have taken on a grayish tint, leaving you trying to rub off the color in the mirror? Gray teeth have multiple causes, but the color isn’t something that will just go away. Cosmetic dentistry may be needed.

If you want to explore potential reasons for gray teeth and delve into dental treatments that can help restore a brighter, healthier smile, continue reading.


In Praise of Saliva: Your Friendly and Natural Thanksgiving Oral Cleanser

November 21, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drsong @ 2:44 pm
A family enjoying Thanksgiving with healthy foods that stimulate saliva production

While you’re enjoying your days this Thanksgiving, there is an unsung hero working to ensure your dental health. No, it’s not your grandma. It’s your saliva! This essential part of your oral health ecosystem is often misunderstood and stigmatized for being gross or messy. This blog aims to change all that.

If you want to learn more about saliva and how it helps your oral health in more ways than one, continue reading.


Diet Vs. Regular Soda: Which Is Better for My Teeth?

October 3, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drsong @ 3:32 pm
Nose to chin view of a woman with pink lip gloss biting the cap of a soda bottle with her teeth

Did you know October is National Dental Hygiene Month? That means there’s no better time than now to consider our daily habits and how they impact our teeth. We know, for example, that consuming foods and drinks with high sugar content is bad for our pearly whites. It attracts microbes that cause tooth decay, which can progress and require more complex treatment if left untreated.

If you’re like many others wanting to be conscious of your oral wellbeing this month, you might be tempted to switch from regular soda to diet. After all, you don’t want to get a cavity and end up with a dental emergency one day! There’s no sugar in diet soda so it’s better for you, right? When it comes to your smile, that’s not entirely true. Keep reading to learn why!


Regaining Your Smile With Dentures After Prolonged Tooth Loss

September 8, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drsong @ 12:38 pm
A man smiling with his dentures

Losing your teeth can be a daunting experience, and it can significantly impact your confidence and overall quality of life. If you’ve been living without teeth for a while, you may be wondering if dentures are still a solution you could pursue to restore your smile.

If this is something you’ve been contemplating, read on to explore how dentures can help you regain your smile and improve your daily life after tooth loss.


3 Ways Toothpicks Can Be Dangerous for Your Teeth

August 8, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drsong @ 8:33 pm
person holding a toothpick

After a meal, many people choose to use a toothpick to dislodge food particles trapped between their teeth. Toothpicks might seem like a convenient and on-the-go solution for clearing debris, but they have the potential to create oral health problems rather than offering advantages. Keep reading to explore three ways in which toothpicks can result in dental damage and discover alternative methods you should consider.


What Summer Treats Are Safe For Braces?

July 11, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drsong @ 5:29 pm
Young woman with braces smiling and holding strawberries in front of her face

For many of us, summertime means indulging in some of our favorite treats, whether it’s at a barbecue with friends or cooling off with a milkshake on a hot day. If you have braces in place, though, you might be feeling disappointed about certain dietary restrictions. Thankfully, there are so many amazing foods and beverages available this time of year that you’re sure to find some new choices that won’t hurt your dental gear. Continue reading to learn more about what to avoid and what to enjoy!


Interesting, Unexpected, and Little-Known Facts About Braces

June 7, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drsong @ 1:02 am
person with braces smiling

Braces, a well-known orthodontic treatment, play a pivotal role in transforming smiles and aligning teeth for optimal oral health and aesthetics. In the United States alone, more than 4 million individuals, 25% of whom are aged 18 or older, wear braces as a means to enhance their smiles and achieve proper dental alignment. While most people are familiar with the basic purpose of braces,  there are numerous fascinating aspects of this orthodontic treatment that often go unnoticed. Metal braces, despite being widely recognized as a popular method for correcting smiles, encompass a range of intriguing aspects beyond their outward appearance, so keep reading as we discuss a few lesser-known facts about braces.

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