Sinus Augmentation – Houston, TX
Preparing Your Smile for Dental Implants
When the posterior (back) teeth have gone missing, it places much more stress on your remaining teeth. This can cause them to grind together, which may eventually crack or break them. In order to prevent this, the back teeth may need to be replaced with dental implants. However, the position of the sinus floor at the back of your mouth may now be too low to actually fit your restoration, which is one common reason for sinus augmentation from our Houston, TX dentist.

Why Choose Sunrise Dental Center for Sinus Augmentation?
- Start-to-Finish Dental Implant Treatment
Highly Skilled
Team - Caring & Compassionate Dentists
What is Sinus Augmentation?

To correct this issue, we can use a procedure known as a sinus augmentation to create the right amount of space for your replacement teeth. Using either your own bone, various grafting materials, or both, bone growth can be encouraged in the area to help create the right environment to fit a dental implant. Depending on your situation, the bone of your sinuses may not need a full augmentation, but may simply need to be “pushed up” using bone replacement materials.
After you have healed from the sinus augmentation (which can take anywhere from 6-10 months), your dentist in Houston can then place your dental implants. The procedure is extremely reliable and has a 95% success rate, but in some rare cases, an additional sinus augmentation might be needed if one did not create enough room. In these situations, the second procedure may be performed after your dental implant placement.
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